Mohammad Anwarul Kabir

Mohammad Anwarul Kabir is working as Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of CS, AIUB.

How dare you!

‘How dare you!’ She poured molten lead into my ears, the moment I had proposed to her. I stopped right there. More than a decade has passed since then.

From the Pens of a Daily Commuter

The scene must have caught attention of those people who tend to come and go through the Farmgate area. How old may that

Electronic Voting Machines must be introduced with caution

Though EVMs have been used in local government elections, we have to keep in mind that the national election is completely different because of its size and political importance. So, before introducing EVMs in the forthcoming national election, the Election Commission (EC) should make voters and other relevant stakeholders confident in using this technology.

November 2, 2019
November 2, 2019

How dare you!

‘How dare you!’ She poured molten lead into my ears, the moment I had proposed to her. I stopped right there. More than a decade has passed since then.

August 4, 2018
August 4, 2018

From the Pens of a Daily Commuter

The scene must have caught attention of those people who tend to come and go through the Farmgate area. How old may that

October 20, 2017
October 20, 2017

Electronic Voting Machines must be introduced with caution

Though EVMs have been used in local government elections, we have to keep in mind that the national election is completely different because of its size and political importance. So, before introducing EVMs in the forthcoming national election, the Election Commission (EC) should make voters and other relevant stakeholders confident in using this technology.

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