Published on 12:00 AM, May 27, 2018

Walking and chewing gum may keep you thin

Still looking for the secret to effortless weight loss? It may be as simple as chewing gum while walking, Japanese researchers suggested yesterday.

In experiments, they said, the heart rate of 46 people, aged 21 to 69, increased when they were given gum to chew while walking at a natural pace.

And while masticating caused a measurable physical difference in participants of both genders and across all age groups, it was most pronounced in men over 40, the team reported at the European Congress on Obesity in Vienna.

"Combining exercise and gum chewing may be an effective way to manage weight," the researchers said -- particularly in countries such as Japan where walking is the "most widely performed movement".

Previous research had found that gum chewing boosts heart rate and energy expenditure in people at rest. This was the first study dedicated to studying its effects in people while walking, its authors said.

Volunteers completed two walking trials, each 15 minutes long.

In all participants, the mean heart rate was "significantly higher" in the gum trial, said the researchers.