Published on 12:00 AM, January 10, 2020

Why shift to online games from offline games

2019 is almost over and let’s be honest, online gaming is THE thing now.  However there are still people out there who tend to lean towards offline games (including yours truly).

So I recently decided to give online games a shot after incessant suggestions from my brother to try them out. Consequently over the past few days, I tried it out, and played some of the most popular formats of online gaming, namely co-ops, battle royales and online FPS. And so these are the following reasons as to why one should consider making the shift from offline to online games.

Playing with humans

One of the biggest selling points of offline games is the fact that they give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a story. But it comes at the cost of you having to play with the console AI. And at times it gets boring, repetitive and offers fewer challenges. I’ve been in situations where I’ve been so familiar with the AI that I could predict its next move. This is where online multiplayer games come in. These are games where you’re almost always up against a human opponent. Now for games you’ve been playing for a long time, this will offer you new challenges. Also there are a lot of games out there that offer co-op missions e.g. Assassin’s Creed Unity. Trust me when I say this, nothing can be more fun than doing a mission with a story driven objective with you and your friend covering for each other.

More competitive as opposed to more immersive video games & Reward systems

Most online multiplayer games come with very big tradeoffs. On one hand, offline games usually have an immersive story blended with the gameplay so these can be amazing experiences when done right. However, with the exception of a few amazing games it gets boring and repetitive owing to the fact that you are playing against an AI and the game might not have anything interesting to offer before you’re even done with the game. This is where online multiplayer games come in. Typically online multiplayer games also have a reward system. I’ve personally played DOTA 2—you get to play your way up the ranks, unlock new skins and items. Even though you have to sacrifice the story and the immersive aspect of it, it comes with human rivals and allies and actual rankings giving you the scope to judge who’s better, which ultimately makes the game more competitive and interesting.

That being said, online games come with more perks like getting gamer bros. I honestly lost count of the number of times I just sat there in the chat room talking to my fellow gamers and passing hours. You get to know new people all the while getting to socialise with your old friends. These points might not be valid for everyone. However in the short span of time for which I’ve tried online gaming, I felt that if I were to shift over to online gaming, it would definitely be for these reasons. That being said, I also feel that every offline gamer should try online multiplayers out. They definitely have more to offer than what we think of them at first.