Published on 12:00 AM, November 27, 2020

Editor's Note

Cars, Apps, Startups and Hacks

In this week's issue of Toggle, we attempt to reignite the age-old debate of which one is a better dad-mobile: Civic or the Corolla? To be exact neither of them, in 2021, are dad-mobile anymore but we still say it occasionally to rattle the fans a bit. We also get to know how you can overcome your pandemic blues and enhance your productivity by trying a few of our scheduling hacks and distraction-busting apps. We also bring you stories of people making the most out their self-imposed house arrest by growing their very own rooftop garden. Our centrefold for this week covers how some busy bees turned their mom's kitchenettes into a full-blown on-demand restaurant. We also have our regular sections in this week's issue as well. Honestly, this is my first editor's note and I was asked to write at least 150 words – so I am just typing till I am a little over that word limit. Done!


- Shahriar Rahman,

Resident overlord, Toggle