Published on 12:00 AM, January 14, 2014

The message of Eid-e-Miladunnabi

The message of Eid-e-Miladunnabi

A timeless guideline for humanity

AS we observe Eid-e-Miladunnabi, we do it with extraordinary fervour and profound respect for the life, works and teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).Today we also re-instil his ideals and resolve to realize them as far as possible in our temporal and spiritual lives.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has not only established a religion, but left behind a rich legacy of statecraft. It's a legacy of Islamic faith, brotherhood and equality of all humankind underpinning peaceful and harmonious co-existence between communities. Through praying five times daily, distributing alms, fasting, performing the Hajj and foremost adhering to the teachings of the prophet we fulfil the obligations enjoined upon the Muslims. The propensity today for being religious seems to be for rewards only but without being ritualistic we must imbibe the true spirit of Islam.
Islam literally means peace and therefore has no place for violence and intolerance in the lives of Muslims. Our solemn pledge for this year's Eid-e-Miladunnabi is to cultivate and practice tolerance, avoid conflicts and establish peace, and live in harmony with peoples of other faith in accord with the spiritual wisdom of our Holy Prophet (pbuh).
It is important that steadfast pursuit of our religion with all its spiritual values be our goal. Exploitation of religion for political gain should be consciously avoided, if we are to demonstrate our love and respect for the Prophet of Islam (pbuh).