Published on 05:26 PM, November 23, 2022

Over 100,000 rural govt infrastructure finally gets broadband connectivity

Women working at a Union Digital Centre. Photo: A2I

1,09,244 rural government infrastructures have recently been provided with broadband connectivity, as per the initiative of the national project called Info-Sarker Phase-3.

Launched in 2017 by Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and the ICT Division of Bangladesh, the project officially named  'Development of National ICT Infra-Network for Bangladesh Government Phase-III' aims to provide high-speed internet services to marginal rural areas in Bangladesh.

As part of the Info-Sharker Phase-3 project, over 100,000 village-level government institutions will be receiving a proper broadband connection to ensure better services from educational institutions, health complexes, land offices and other government offices. 

The project aims to boost the employment rate in Bangladesh, while also increasing the network capacity of union digital centres (UDCs). As per the project's goal, better internet connection in rural areas will allow rural offices, schools and government offices to achieve higher growth in the coming years. 

Over 84,000 educational institutions in Bangladesh can avail of the extended broadband service provided by the Info-Sharker Phase-3 project. This will allow both educational and government organisations to complete important online activities such as research, meetings and seminars much more quickly and easily. 

Info-Sharker Phase-3 aims to further boost the digital infrastructure of Bangladesh by allowing remote Bangladeshi villages to gain the benefits of internet connectivity, and thus, bridge the information gap between rural and urban areas.

The project has received many awards since its launch, including the ASOCIO Award in the Digital Government Award category in 2018 and the WSIS Award as Champion in Information and Communications Infrastructure category in 2019.