Published on 12:00 AM, November 14, 2021

Walking away from diabetes

Diabetes is slowly becoming one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, approximately 422 million people suffer from diabetes, with the number continuing to grow each year.

Being diagnosed with diabetes is a life-altering experience for many. While many aspects of diabetes cannot be directly controlled by the patient, there are some preventative measures that can alleviate the problems caused by the disease.

Walking is a particularly great activity for diabetic patients, as it helps reduce one's blood sugar levels and simultaneously makes insulin more effective.

Emon Chowdhury, a 43-year-old human resource specialist said, "Walking twice a day for 30 mins at a time has significantly improved my blood sugar levels. My diabetes is in better control and overall, I feel much better than when I was just reliant on medicine."

However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the world came to a standstill and going outside seemed like a luxury we could no longer afford. Several studies in the last two years illustrated that decreased physical activity during the pandemic worsened the health conditions of many Type 2 diabetes patients. 

Now, as we slowly enter the post-Covid era, people will once again be able to venture out into the world and return to doing physical activities the way they used to. As with any form of physical exertion, particularly walking, one of the most important things is to wear the right shoes.

A senior official of Bata shares, "The top priority should be focus on comfort. Those with diabetes tend to have more sensitive feet, and therefore should buy shoes with padded upper support and a cushioned footbed. Additionally, there should be strategically placed pressure points at the sole to stimulate blood circulation in the feet."

Finally, patients should strictly monitor the reaction of their feet to the footwear, and periodically change their shoes to prevent any injuries. A good shoe can be the difference between wanting to go on regular walks and avoiding walks, and that is why it is vital to make the right choice.