Published on 02:41 AM, July 09, 2021

The Daily Star Campus Stars

BRAC University pledges to nurture future leaders

"The Daily Star Campus Stars" is a show that highlights promising young individuals who have excelled in their academics and extracurricular activities, alongside securing success in their professional paths. The fifth episode of the show took place on June 22, 2021, featuring panellists from BRAC University.

The online programme was hosted by Shuvashish Roy, Head of Business, The Daily Star. Dr David Dowland, Registrar, BRAC University, Fuad Hassan Mallick. Professor and Dean, School of Architecture and Design, BRAC University were in attendance.

BRAC University alumnus Md Tajdin Hassan, Chief Strategy and Digital Transformation Officer, The Daily Star, alongside Alif Hossain, a student of BBA in Finance and Supply Chain Management BRAC Business School, BRAC University were also present.

Dr David Dowland started the session with a presentation where he introduced BRAC University, and spoke about the legacy of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder of the NGO, BRAC.

"I flew thousands of miles to work here. BRAC is often described as a national laboratory and provides a great resource for its university," he said. "We want to help our students develop critical thinking and improvisation skills."

"We have dedicated a significant amount to help students cope with their financial needs amidst this pandemic. BRAC University is also the only educational institution to become an inaugural member of Open Society University Network, as both the institutions share the same mission of international, impactful engagement and student experience," he added.

BRAC University is looking forward to moving into the single largest university building which extends over 1.7 million square feet. "It is a sustainable design as it eco-friendly, offering greenery within the campus. It is designed by award winning architects from Singapore-based company WOHA.  The campus, powered partly by solar panels, is student-centric with an amazing open space on its roof top, which offers facilities such as a swimming pool," says Fuad Hassan Mallick.

BRAC University is also investing in introducing new schools at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The BRAC team is currently working to establish two new disciplines – Grad School of Management, and School of Data and Sciences. They are also looking to invest further in Pharmacy.

The university also developed its own online learning platform 'BUX', which is built on a world-class platform developed by MIT and Harvard. It enables students to learn from any location and device with internet connectivity. The university also secured the third rank globally in the URC2020 competition with their next-gen Mars rover, Mongol-Tori.

The courses and curriculum offered by BRAC University allow students to not only attain academic excellence, but also be nurtured by their teachers.  "Our residential semester, which offered courses on culture and ethics, allowed me to learn more about the world, and enhance my emotional intelligence," shared Alif Hossain. "Incorporating compassion with academic knowledge is what makes this university different from others."

Md Tajdin Hassan shared how BRAC University helped him land his first job. "I still remember how I came across Shabab Hossain from BAT Bangladesh, who used to take our course on salesmanship during my last semester. His discussions inspired me, and after securing a good score, he asked if I would be interested in BAT. I worked through all the recruitment processes and finally was able to start my career with one of the biggest agencies in the country," he said. "In my career, I have had a lot of hiccups. However, I believe adaptability is the key. It is one quality that I gained from this university, which always helped me overcome my hurdles."   The session ended with a vote of thanks from Shuvashish Roy. "BRAC graduates are showing prospects in all sectors of the country and also gaining strong ground internationally. With an aim to nurture future leaders, BRAC seems to be on the right course," he concluded.