Published on 12:00 AM, July 03, 2015



Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo

During Ramadan, everyone is concerned about physical strain. Anything and everything can dehydrate you in Bangladesh, and people are full to an almost immobile state after Iftar. Even climbing a flight of stairs may be too exhausting. Because of this very concern, most people abandon their work-out routines during this month. What they need to know is that it's perfectly alright to work out during Ramadan, as long as you pace yourself.

The best time to exercise or work-out during Ramadan is either just before Iftar or 2 or 3 hours after Iftar. If your aim is to lose weight, get stronger or simply to be more physically fit, put improvements on hold during this month. Aim instead to maintain your current weight and body fitness. Making fitness or weight loss improvements during Ramadan may prove counterproductive to the body's well-being, lowering your energy levels drastically and often compromising the immune system, ultimately hampering your ability to fast. So instead of overworking your system with the intention of improvement, focus on maintaining your current fitness and make sure you don't go backwards.

Here is a basic circuit training routine you can do at home –

* 10-15 pushups
* 10-15 squats
* 1 min jumping jacks (or walk in place)
* 10-15 Bench dips
* 10-15 lunges
* 1 min jog in place (or walk in place)
* Repeat 2-3 times or until you have exercised for 30 consecutive minutes (or longer if you would like)

Reducing the rigour and intensity of your work-out routine will allow you to stay consistent without exhausting your energy reserve. If you normally run, reduce to a speed walk. If you lift weights using 12lbs, use 8lbs, and if you normally work-out for an hour, reduce your workout time to 30-45 minutes. The most important thing to do this month is to be consistent. Consistency is the key factor to maintaining your fitness level.

If you normally do both cardio and resistance training as a part of your fitness regime and can't find the time or energy to do both in Ramadan, then combine them both into a resistance training circuit. Circuit training in general is one of the most effective ways to burn fat and it has the extra benefit of allowing you to burn more calories in a short amount of time. A circuit is performed by doing 3-6 exercises in a quick succession without stopping between each exercise. Doing this will allow you to build muscle and increase cardiovascular endurance all in one workout.

With these few tips and tricks, you can work out with no doubts and frights throughout the whole month. You just always have to remember that no physical strain or work should get in your way or your ability to fast. So make sure to go easy on yourself. 

Source: The 5 Essential Tips for Your Fitness Programme in Ramadan By Mubarakah Ibrahim CPT