Published on 09:29 PM, October 17, 2021

Tannery relocation: An environmental hazard simply shifted to Savar?

What was considered as a move to save the Buriganga river from untreated tannery waste is now resulting in degradation of another river, the Dhaleshwari.

With accusations of substandard planning from its initiation, the tannery in Savar is resulting in severe pollution in the area. The Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is not fully operational to date.

So why is it that after five years of construction and development, the CETP is still not capable of treating toxic tannery waste? Does the government have any effective plan to solve this environmental hazard?

In Straight from Star Newsroom, Naziba Basher discusses pollution in Savar caused by tanneries with The Daily Star's chief reporter Pinaki Roy.