Published on 02:00 AM, April 09, 2024

'Urge': Sehri Tales selections, Day 28

The top selections in poetry, flash fiction and artwork for Day 28 of the Sehri Tales challenge; prompt: Urge

Artwork by Muhammad Ahsan Nahiyan


I have an urge to write the way I think.
But alas, my words are always chasing my thoughts, never being able to keep up.


by Faiza Ibrahim


"Dear Senator," I wrote in November to my elected official. "As a tax-paying US citizen, I am deeply ashamed that my hard-earned money is being used to fund a genocide in Gaza. I urge you to take action today. Call for a ceasefire. Ask for an immediate stop to sending more weapons of war."
This is now April.
Eid is around the corner. 

The bloodbath continues.


by Ranya Rahim


A simile, a rhyme, two characters and a plot.
Backspace; the urge to delete it all.


by Shaerah Shamael Siddiqui