Published on 12:00 AM, January 29, 2023

Warning signs of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a condition that disrupts your heartbeat. A glitch in the heart's electrical system makes its upper chambers (the atria) beat so fast they quiver or fibrillate. This causes the lower chambers (the ventricles) to beat out of sync. AFib can be dangerous because it raises your risk of stroke and heart failure.

Warning signs

For many people, AFib symptoms are not obvious. But when there are, they will often include:

• An uneven pulse

• A racing or pounding heart

• A feeling that your heart is fluttering

• Chest pain

• Feeling short of breath

• Lightheaded or dizziness

When it is an emergency

AFib is not always a cause for alarm. But you should call for ambulance if you have:

• Chest pain

• Uneven pulse and feel faint

• Signs of a stroke, such as numbness or slurred speech

• And let your doctor know whenever something doesn't feel right.


The same healthy habits that protect against heart disease will protect you against AFib:

• Eat a nutritious diet that includes fish.

• Exercise regularly.

• Control your blood pressure.

• Don't smoke and avoid second-hand smoke.

• Decrease or avoid alcohol.

• To catch an irregular heartbeat early, the National Stroke Association recommends you check your pulse once a month, especially if you are over 40 or have other risk factors for stroke.