Published on 12:00 AM, June 19, 2022

Tips for better sleep when you have insomnia

Sleep gives us day-to-day energy. So, a good night's sleep is best. Tips for a good night's sleep are:

Power down: A cell phone, tablet, or digital clock on your nightstand may disrupt sleep. Turn off blue-light sources an hour before bed.

Nix naps: Boost afternoon energy with a walk, ice water, or a phone call with a friend.

Block your clock: Put your alarm clock in a drawer, under your bed, or turn it away from view.

Try a leg pillow for back pain: Mild lower back pain can disrupt deep, restful sleep. Put a pillow between your legs to align your hips and relieve back strain.

Put your neck in 'neutral': Pillows cause stiff necks and tired mornings. It should be the right size, not too fat and not too flat, to support your neck and back. Before bed, maintain good posture.

Seal your mattress: Mattresses, box springs, and pillows can be sealed. Plastic, dust-proof covers prevent bed bugs from entering your mattress.

Set Your body clock: After waking up, spend 5 to 30 minutes in bright light. Light motivates the body.

Look for hidden caffeine: Most people enjoy morning coffee. Avoid caffeine after noon. Small amounts of chocolate can affect sleep. Labels. Some pain relievers and diet pills contain caffeine.

Work out wisely: Exercising improves sleep. Before bed, try yoga or tai chi.

Eat right at night: Avoid eating late. They overload digestion. Before bed, finish eating.

Rethink your drink: Beware of alcohol at bedtime. After its initial effects wear off, you will wake up more often. Warm milk and chamomile tea are best in this regard.

Watch what time you sip: Do not drink in the last 2 hours before bed to avoid bathroom breaks. Keep a nightlight in the bathroom to minimise bright light.

Lower the lights: Dim the lights to make your brain produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. If you read in bed, use a 15-watt bulb.

Hush noise: Try earplugs to avoid noises.

Turn down tobacco: Nicotine is a stimulant, just like caffeine and make insomnia worse. Ask your doctor for help.

Free your mind: Set aside work, touchy discussions, and complicated decisions 2 to 3 hours before bed. Before bed, read a calming book, meditate, or take a warm bath.

Avoid sleeping pills: Some sleep medications are habit-forming and have side effects. Pills should be a short-term solution while you make lifestyle changes.

Know when to see your doctor: If your insomnia lasts a month or more, tell them. They can check if a health condition or medicine you take is causing the problem.

We sleep one-third of our lives. Good sleep helps our brain, body, and immune system.