Published on 12:00 AM, December 31, 2023

Have A Nice Day

Skipping the sparkle - Part 1

Two roads diverged in a mall and a forest—which one will you choose to explore? An oniomaniac will prefer discovering hidden gems in shops rather than nature's wonders.

'Oniomaniac' means an unmanageable craving to buy things. Individuals with an uncontrollable and compulsive desire to shop are considered oniomaniacs. This is a disorder that has begun to receive attention from researchers in recent years.

Researchers estimate that the disorder affects a significant portion of the adult population, with females being affected approximately 90% of the time. Oniomania often arises from emotions such as stress, anxiety, or loneliness.

Some researchers often link compulsive shopping to addictive disorders, such as alcohol and drug use disorders, as well as behavioural addictions like gambling addiction. Some also associate it with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), while others connect it to mood disorders.

That is why some refer to shopping addicts as spenders or spendthrifts.
