Published on 12:00 AM, August 13, 2016

Suicide Squad

Director: David Ayer

Writer: David Ayer

Stars: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie

Strength:  Cast

Weakness: Story

Runtime: 123 mins

Rating: 3/5

Plot: A group of imprisoned supervillains are recruited by the government to carry out covert operations in return for clemency. 

Review: The movie starts from where it is left at in the previous instalment of DC  Extended Universe, Batman V Superman. The movie starts off with a tedious introduction to the characters that eventually fades away with subsequent scenes. 

The depths of the characters were the only redeeming factor in this movie. The film introduces a bunch of new characters, but without a proper narration of their back stories. However, the talent recruited as villains in the squad really provide for the film and among the list of notable characters, the breakout character and truly the face of this movie is Harley Quinn, eccentrically portrayed by Margot Robbie. Will Smith has also performed admirably with his wit and one-liner punches at Rick Flag. The Joker, portrayed by Jared Leto has taken a different take on the historic villain with his method-acting, provides a whole new dimension to the character even though his involvement in the film is no more than an extended cameo.  

The action scenes during the Enchantress's hostile attempt to take over the world are repetitive and are seen in countless other movies. The squad's action scenes are however somewhat enjoyable but becomes slightly repetitive during the second half.  The narration lacks imagination and the visual representation is too simplistic. 

The movie boasts a talented cast and more humour than previous DC Extended Universe movies, but it still is not enough to redeem itself from the choppy direction and cluttered plot. The movie is regrettably a compilation of missed opportunities.

Reviewed by: Syed Ahnaf Sadeed