Published on 12:00 AM, March 25, 2017

Movie Review

Beauty and the Beast

Director: Bill Colden

Cast: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans

Duration: 129min

Strength: Music, Morals

Weakness: Unconvincing CGI

Rating: 7.5/10

PLOT: We all know the story: the Disney fairytale about a monstrous-looking prince and a young woman who fall in love. The story revolves around a young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast that can be freed only by true love, due to a curse. He receives his only opportunity of finding true love when a human girl visits his cursed castle. After leaving her small provincial village to find her missing father, the beautiful and independent Belle (Emma Watson) encounters the large and horrifying Beast (Dan Stevens) living inside a big, lonely castle with living antiques as his only companions. As Belle stays more with the Beast, she learns that true beauty is only found within.

REVIEW: There can be too much of a good thing and this movie becomes an epitome of that statement. With CGI often making it seem as if the characters are too animated, the Beast often becomes too animated to believe. The overtly animated characters also lacked the emotions and facial expressions making it seem too artificial at times. Luke Evans did not fail to impress in his role as Gaston, for he acted as a malignly virile and camp narcissist in all the right ways. He also showcased himself as a paragon of macho bigotry, which was a memorable performance. Bill Colden has done almost everything in his wit to make this film work, giving the film a sugar rush finale with unconventional guest appearances.

This film is not for the cynics and the ones who have a Disney allergy should best stay away from the film. However, the brilliant portrayal of Belle by Emma Watson and the added 45 minutes of runtime gave us the opportunity of scenes that is sure to grow on us individually.

Reviewed by Prithu Amin