Published on 12:00 AM, January 31, 2019

Animals from cartoon shows as pets

Of course you've spent hours in front of the TV watching classic cartoons and wishing your life could be just as fun. And because almost all cartoon shows have animals as pets, this is how it would be if you had a cartoon character in your house.


If you are a dog person and you have a thing for playing Sherlock, Scooby-Doo is definitely your first choice as sidekick. You can count on this canine friend of yours to be as scared of ghosts as you are. At the same time, Scooby-Doo will also be there for you, if you sing to him "Where are you?", when you need to unravel the weirdest of mysteries. All in all, he is sure to be an amazing sidekick, just make sure you have stocked up on a lifetime supply of Scooby Snacks for your new friend.


Well, he is a platypus. They don't really do much. Or do they? Perry certainly has a life you're never going to know about. By the time you're busy with your own shenanigans, Perry will be getting ready to start his. This secret agent is most likely to disappear for half of the day, in order to fight off evil scientists. But worry not because he will be back before you even notice that he is missing.


Are you a cat person? Do you find cats to be adorable no matter how much they annoy you? Garfield is surely the friend you are looking for. He doesn't have any secret hobbies or superpowers. He is an ordinary cat which means he will scratch any surface he can find, be moody about food choices, wake you up from sleep in the middle of the night and at one point sacrifice your soul to the kitty Satan. But it's okay as long as you are fond of cats and know how to make the perfect lasagna.


You would be insane to have this cat and mouse duo at your home. These two are inseparable and hence, if you want to bring over any one of them, you must also bring home the other. Tom and Jerry have a friendship (yes, you read that right) that transcends our understanding of the term. The iconic pair is loved all over the world for their antics, but if you ever plan on bringing them over to your house, be prepared to experience chaos like never before.


Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear; the holy trinity of bears. This adorable band of brothers is sure to liven up your life with their odd solutions to easy life problems. Their antics are also admirable along with their friendly nature. Each bear has his own personality which will surely keep you entertained for a long time.


Faisal wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. To survive university is his real test, to graduate is his cause. Send him memes and motivation at