Published on 12:45 AM, July 16, 2015

The K-pop Invasion

The first time I listened to K-pop, it was confusing and to an extent, irritating. The lyrics were definitely Hebrew (alright, Korean) and the singing was pretty much of a turn off. The voices sounded nasal and this particular girl band I was listening to tried too hard to sound “cute”.

It wasn't the first time I had heard of K-pop though. Two of my friends are die-hard fans of K-pop but whenever there was any mention of this in our conversations, I walked away every single time. I don't know why I held that kind of prejudice or why I haven't tried to actually listen to some before forming a perception. During one of our group presentation preparations, my friend tricked us into listening to this newly released K-pop number. I was a total no-no but somehow the peppy tune had us all feel less sleepy and more energetic. I welcomed the induced productivity. 

Later that day, I found myself humming the tune in the shower. I remembered the last bits which were in English and searched for it. It was funky, catchy and sounded happy. I clicked on a few more YouTube suggestions of the same girl group and I knew that my boat had set sail. Sigh. I bugged my friends for more song suggestions and they got me some with smirks, of course and in no time I was suggesting K-pop to other novices. Life.

I have watched this particular video for more than 15 times but all I do is still point out “the girl with the pink hair” as my favourite. My other choices would be “the girl with the glowing shoes” and “the other with the white skirt”. Well, these K-pop singers can sing. You obviously knew that but they can dance too and guess what – they sing AND dance at the same time. As much as the music videos seem crazy, there are some enjoyable elements in there. The funky music, the groovy dance steps and the pop of colours in their hair and clothes are unlike anything you have witnessed before. 

Most K-pop artists perform in boy bands or girl groups. The ladies look either fiercely independent or mushily adorable, varying across the groups. The boys look ridiculously well-groomed. Long hair, trimmed eyebrows, rosy complexion and add to that a dangerous amount of bromance. 

K-pop love is not for the weak-hearted. You must stream their live shows at four in the morning, spend thousands collecting albums, photo books and merchandise, and engage in fandom rivalries. Being a fan of K-pop does not end at the music either. Many fans also have a growing interest in Korean language, lifestyle and television as well. 

So, if you need a new obsession, K-pop might just be your thing. As for me, I got commitment issues and this needs more dedication than I signed up for. Sorry. 

Dyuty Auronee is an occasional fusspot who loves her tea and authori-tea. Reach her at