Published on 12:00 AM, August 10, 2017

YouTube for education: Where entertainment meets learning

Education-oriented videos on YouTube is not unheard of. YouTube's array of educational videos range from solely academic animations to more general knowledge based skits. Here is a list of such YouTube channels beside the usual such as Khan Academy, National Geographic and TED.


Answering questions from those as simple as "What is colour?" and "How rainbows form" to the more bewildering ones like "Why is the universe flat?" and "What is dark matter?" Dianna Cowern, also known as the Physics Girl, has set her mark on the science community of YouTube through her equally fun and informative videos. 

Her use of scientific terms in a simplified fashion is enough to draw physics enthusiasts to her videos. On top of that her vivacious persona both on her social media and YouTube videos make the experience all the more enjoyable. You can even tweet at her with your science queries, she always remains eager to answer them.


Is the pressure of upcoming exams and the apprehension of not learning anything having a toll on you? The channel Crash Course is there to help you with their educational and interesting videos on a range of topics, from photosynthesis to the journey of a star, and will be of help to you if you want to skim over the topics once before examination. Oh yes, and it stars one of the most famous young adult novelists John Green, and his lesser known but equally talented brother Hank Green. 

Topping it all, the way they organise their videos, with playlists and titles with number tags, all add to make it easier for you to navigate through their work with minimum amount of your precious time wasted.


If you have a general curiosity regarding the world and the universe, this channel is for you. The channel explores fields of politics, philosophy, and science; keeping viewers entertained with alluring facts and fun graphics. It not only educates its viewers on different facts but also explores many scientific questions and philosophical wonders using logic to answer them as extensively as is possible. It's a platform to not only expand your knowledge but also widen your views of the world and beyond.


Deviating from the more science related channels that prevail the world of YouTube, this economics based channel is a must watch for all those econ nerds out there. Unlike other such channels, it has an economics movies playlist, which spots economics related references in popular movies, explaining them in a fun and interactive manner. It also uses places like Disneyland as real life examples for their innovative videos. From simple AD/AS to complex macroeconomics, ACDC is sure to make any concept that you find vague, crystal clear in a jiffy!


Another channel similar to "Physics Girl", Veritasium is run by Derek Muller, who explores the more intricate areas of science and education in much simpler terms. The simplified explanations could be of interest to both science nerds and those without a background in science. 


ASAP Science is an ideal channel to binge watch. The channel does not only educate you, but does so within five minutes or less. The channel goes on to explore areas of science and various daily questions, using tools of mathematics and science to answer them as accurately as possible.  


Making the use of knowledge in a different way, MatPat, the creator of the channel "The Game Theorist", utilises everyday logic to dissect famous video games, and come up with entertainingly plausible theories. In doing so, he also explains a lot of game mechanics in terms of physics, chemistry, anthropology, and what not. 


Numberphile, as the name suggests, is a channel that explores numbers, perfect for math nerds, who love to find mathematical patterns in everything. It does not stop there as it goes further into exploring curiosities we never thought we had like ascertaining the mathematical way to cutting a cake and wondering how many particles the universe might contain. Basically, it is a channel which lets you see the world through the lens of mathematics.


Honestly speaking, this channel helped me learn A levels Physics much better than any of my Physics books did. Anyone studying A levels Physics might be able to relate to the excruciating mental pain the questions of astronomy bring us, where students are assessed on concepts not even remotely related to whatever is in the book. It was during such clueless times that I turned to this channel for help.

These are some of the many YouTube channels that might be satiating for your procrastinator-but-nerdy self, and might even help you gain those extra marks on your upcoming tests. While you are at it, use YouTube's autoplay function. Who knows what gem you might come across next!