Published on 12:00 AM, August 27, 2015

The Cultural Significance of JOHN CENA

He is a 15-time world champion, has a PhD in Thuganomics; he is JOHN CENA.

Not only is he the best wrestler of all time, he is the pioneer of rap/hip-hop, the best actor that has ever lived and no one will be able to surpass him in these fields. Even though he is the most successful man in the entire world, he is extremely humble and down-to-earth, with over 460 wishes fulfilled for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We have to understand and appreciate the magnitude of this man.

“But why should we care about him? What has he done for us and our nation?”

Everything. He is so ingrained in our society that it is hard to ignore.

For starters, he has revolutionised our fashion industry. He's a better fashion designer than all the local fashion boutiques of our country. Let me ask you, whenever you go to buy a t-shirt, what comes to your mind? Exactly. “What colour would JOHN CENA wear?” He has made our country a more colourful place to live in. Have you noticed the red and tiya coloured skinny jeans people wear nowadays? JOHN CENA. Noticed the boom in people wearing wristbands? I rest my case.

Not only does he influence our clothes, he is the sole reason for the advent of the Bangladeshi rap scene. Because let's face it, who has the power to propagate rap all around the world? Snoop Dogg? 2pac? Only the best rapper in the entire world, JOHN CENA. As you can see, he played a big role in our music industry as well.

Bangladesh is not an easy place to live in. With people trying to rob and mug each other, the high rate of kidnappings, the people trying to con you with pyramid schemes and miraculous medicines, the lack of opportunities and jobs, it's downright cruel. If everyone lived by JOHN CENA'S ideologies things wouldn't be like this. If we lived by the motto of “Hustle, Loyalty, Respect” we would be living in a utopia. 

Do you think that's all he did? Think again. Being the only Doctor of Thuganomics and the leader of the world renowned Chain Gang, he has taught us the art of fighting for what we believe in. JOHN CENA is the reason we don't hesitate to get physical for petty reasons, because what shuts a person up? A punch to the face. He also showed us that true strength is in numbers, so we form our own gangs, scour the city for people who oppose our beliefs and yell, “IF YOU WANT SOME, COME GET SOME.”

Perhaps the most important knowledge he has bestowed upon us is that of time. To use our time well because our time could end any moment. This is a powerful reminder from our hero who always has time on his side. He is so caring and kind-hearted that he even reminds his enemies that their time is up and his time is now because time waits for no one.

JOHN CENA was also a part of the US Marine Corps, so he has ample knowledge of military tactics and strategies. The move he performs to camouflage himself in dangerous situations by just waving his hand in front of his face has been widely adopted by global military forces and is considered the best method of camouflaging oneself. This is the sole reason why we have fewer casualties on missions.

Bangladesh is not an easy place to live in. With people trying to rob and mug each other, the high rate of kidnappings, the people trying to con you with pyramid schemes and miraculous medicines, the lack of opportunities and jobs, it's downright cruel. If everyone lived by JOHN CENA'S ideologies things wouldn't be like this. If we lived by the motto of “Hustle, Loyalty, Respect” we would be living in a utopia. No more fighting, deceiving and illegal activities. If we did not ignore his preaching of never giving up, we would brush off failure every single time and come back stronger than ever before. Unfortunately, only JOHN CENA is perfect, we are not.

By now, I hope everyone understands the importance of JOHN CENA in our lives. He has donated his infinite knowledge and willpower to make our nation a better place. We should always support him for what he stands for. Chant his name, sing his theme song – for the sake of making the world a better place. Even though the champ is not here with us physically, he will always reside in our hearts. 

Shoaib Ahmed Sayam doesn't need coffee because he stays up all night anyway, doing the things he should be doing during the day. Send him John Cena memes at: