Published on 12:00 AM, May 30, 2019

Life Lessons from Driving School

I believe that most of the practical skills we learn teach us much more about life than we realise. Confused? Let me explain. Let’s talk about driving. What are the few things that we learn from driving school that we can directly apply to everyday life?

Patience Is The Real Test

Many of the new drivers have the skill level of a baby learning to read but the ego of a best selling writer. So they tend to want to prove themselves the only way they know how. Speeding.

So they are constantly taught that it’s the ones who can be patient and drive slow that are really proving their worth.

Sometimes, life deals you a really bad hand of cards. And the best thing to do, is to get through it patiently, by staying strong.


We all hate those of us who tend to overstep. You know, by being a little too nosy and telling you how to live your life, just like that one rude driver on the road who keeps cutting you off and seems to be literally allergic to patiently waiting in his own lane.

Well, this rule speaks volumes too. STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE politely translated to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

You Know How We All Have A Blind Spot?

For all the drivers out there, you know what I’m talking about. And for the smart ones, you already know where this is going. To the others, a blind spot, is an area in the car where a person’s view is obstructed.

Starting to make the connection? How many times, have we liked someone, or met someone whom we see through a foggy lens. We don’t quite see them for who they are. Which can then turn out pretty bad for us. Hence, look out for the blind spots!

Oh Sorry, Am I Breathing Down Your Neck?

Okay, so this one, can be applied to life in two very separate but equally important aspects. Number one, standing in queues. Much like cars, people have to know how close is okay and how close is not.

Second, is not to be clingy. Know when to step back and give people space, which applies to boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends and that guy/girl you met yesterday.

No One Really Knows What They’re Doing

“Pretend that no one around you can drive,” We are constantly reminded, just so we’re extra careful on the roads. However, when you think about it, this is something we have to face EVERYWHERE. 

Do any of us really know what we’re doing as we race on the highway of life? Let me answer that for you. We don’t. We’re all winging it.

I’m sure most of you have met someone in your life who has affected your life negatively; thrown you off track. Well, these people exist both on the road, swerving like complete maniacs with no care for anyone’s safety, and in life. Solution? Avoid them.

So there you go! A few lessons you can pick up from driving school that might help you get through life too. Drive safe!


Syeda Erum Noor is dangerously oblivious and has no sense of time. Send help at