Published on 12:00 AM, June 27, 2019

DIU organises “DIU MCT Career Expo 2019”

Department of Multimedia and Creative Technology (MCT) of Daffodil International University (DIU) organised “DIU MCT Career Expo 2019” on June 22, 2019 at the university premises. Dr. Hasan Mahmud MP, Minister of Information inaugurated the expo as the chief guest in the morning. Mostafa Monwar, former DG of BTV and Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy was present as the special guest. Presided over by Prof. Dr. SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Acting VC of DIU, the programme also attended by Prof. Dr. Engr. AKM Fazlul Hoque, Registrar of DIU; Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Allayer, Head, Department of MCT; and Abu Taher Khan, Director, Career Development Center (CDC).

Around 10 renowned multimedia companies of the country attended the expo. After the inaugural session, Dr. Hasan Mahmud visited stall with other distinguished guest. Arif Ahmed, Associate Professor, Department of MCT presented a keynote paper titled “IT 4.0 Challenges and Career Prospects”

Dr. Hasan Mahmud said to the students that there is a huge career prospect in multimedia. It has huge career opportunities at home and abroad.