Published on 12:00 AM, September 26, 2019


Intern: A student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification – Oxford Dictionary

Intern: Company stooge– Urban Dictionary

The forum is open for anyone who wants to share their internship stories. Our community is more than just a group. It's a place where you can get attention and sympathy in the form of comments and sad reacts. 

Post #101 by Noob_Intern_69

Admin Post

The rules and regulations of this forum have been updated in accordance to the amendments made on the 17th of August, 2019. It is expected that members will abide by these terms. Any sort of violation of the guidelines will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the gravity of the offence.

Post approval has now been turned off. Posts, which are irrelevant to the forum, violate our guidelines, are abusive in nature and/or used for any sort of self/brand promotion, will be deleted. If you end up getting kicked out of your job due to your confession, we, in any way, will not be responsible for it.

Happy confessing.

Post #111 by JustAnotherIntern

I am nearing the end of my internship period, and none of my seniors know my name yet. They refer to me as 'the intern who looks like a duck.' I don't know why they think that I look like a duck, because these nicknames are usually given during the office parties, which we interns are never invited to. At this point, I don't even care whether they give me a permanent position or not. I just want to leave this place before I end up having an identity crisis.

Post #124 by TheAllrounder

Signed up as a sales intern thinking it would help me with my leap into the corporate world. Had really high hopes from this internship. Things were pretty good in the first week of office. But then, I was being asked to do more than I was supposed to. Now, if these tasks that were being fed to me, were of any relevance to my position or my field, I would've been fine. However, not only were they completely irrelevant to my field, these tasks were of no use to my personal skill development.

I brew coffee, make copies, run around with my superiors' files, and do almost everything a regular office boy does. I am not demeaning the office boy's work. I am just implying the fact that I have a bachelor's degree in sales and marketing, and that I am cut out for more than just operating the coffee maker and the photocopier.

Post #241 by Ultimate_Opportunist

I am not really an intern. In fact, I am that person at the office who oversees the interns. But I think if anywhere, this is the place where I must express my feelings. She is a smart young lady who joined our marketing division in this summer's internship program. Ever since day one, I have always admired you and your passion for work. I love the way you present your reports and carry out your field research. It's a shame that we won't be offering you a position at the company after you are done with your internship. In fact, we are not offering any of your intern batch mates a position. It's not that you are not good enough, just that we didn't have the budget to hire a full-time employee. Off to the next batch of interns for the next quarter, because that's how we roll.

P.S. I am the guy you borrowed a stapler from, sometime around last week. Hope we will be in touch even after we bid you farewell.

[An admin has blocked the user Ultimate_Opportunist]

Post #257 by Fulltimeintern_parttimehuman

The digital agency, 'Dhanda Analogue', hired me as an intern for their strategic planning department. For the last one month, the only strategy I've been working on is how to avoid my boss during office hours. The guy complains about everything I do. From my campaign plans to the food I eat for lunch, he has to have his say in everything, and it's never positive. Soon enough, I shall work on a new strategy. One that will enable me to leave this place before I end up losing all the confidence I have in myself.

Post #300 by Intern_with_an_identity_crisis

I am an intern web developer. I write endless blocks of code and go through the code written by the other developers here. But that's not all. I also handle presentations, prepare documentation, handle client complaints, and so on. Oh, it doesn't stop here. I also run errands for my higher-ups. At times, I make coffee for everyone. Sometimes, I am asked to buy the evening snacks in the absence of our office boy. I am the all-rounder here. I am basically everything but Batman.

Post #344 by Admiral_Ackbar

It's a trap!


Faisal wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. To survive university is his real test, to graduate is his cause. Send him memes and motivation at