Published on 12:00 AM, June 25, 2020

4 Graphic Novels You Need to Read

The current state of things has left people consuming content like never before. Whether it's TV shows, movies, or books, these are the only escape people have when stuck at home.

However, as both your Netflix queue and reading list start dwindling, maybe it's time to diversify the content you consume. And a good compromise for fans of books and TV shows would be to start with graphic novels.

So here is a list of four essential graphic novels (GNs) you need to check out

Blankets, Craig Thompson

Thompson is one of the few people in the industry who can both write and draw. His first ever GN titled Goodbye, Chunky Rice pushed him into the eye of the mainstream. But his second GN, Blankets, is what really pushed him to new levels of fame.

Blankets is the story of a young boy, going through the phases of growing up, learning about life, love, and his own beliefs. Over 580 pages of Thompson's beautiful art will take you through the journey of his childhood, and will leave you thinking about your own life by the end, but in a good way.  

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Grant Morrison & Dave McKean

Morrison got to do something with Batman that had rarely been done before. With the help of McKean's brilliant art, he was able to write a Batman story that wasn't just about a superhero.

The story takes us through the chilling halls of Arkham Asylum, as Batman has to play a game of hide and seek with all the villains inside the asylum, with the staff being held as hostages. What really makes this GN so great though, is the combination of psychological thriller-style writing of Morrison combined with McKean's haunting art.

Preludes and Nocturnes (The Sandman), Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean & Sam Keith

Neil Gaiman revolutionised the comic industry with his work on The Sandman series, and this is the first volume of his work. We witness the story of Morpheus, The Lord of Dreams, who finally escapes after having been in captivity for around 70 years.

Preludes and Nocturnes is a great way to figure out if Sandman is the type of comic that will suit your taste. And with how critically acclaimed the series is, it's almost guaranteed to get you hooked. The best part? There's nine more GNs of Sandman after this one.

V for Vendetta, Alan Moore & David Lloyd

Moore is known as the comic industry's madman. But he is also known for pioneering ideas and concepts that no one had ever thought before.

V for Vendetta is a masterpiece that deals with freedom, oppression and mental health. The main character V wears a Guy Fawkes mask and plans to take revenge from the crimes committed against people like him by the government Leader, Adam Susan.