Published on 12:00 AM, April 09, 2015

Meenu Apa

Menstruation. The word maybe a very common biological term but it's definitely in many people's lists of cringe-worthy terminology. Understandable but it doesn't explain the stigma that surrounds this important aspect of a woman's health. And for this reason, Meenu Apa isn't just another Facebook page.

"Meenu Apa" was a code name used in our mothers' generation to refer to menstruation, but the aim that Meenu Apa has come with is to break the silence and the shame surrounding this process. Meenu Apa offers a niche service that any woman during her periods needs – a little pampering and supplies to get through it. Meenu Apa's packages come with sanitary napkins, a bar of Hershey's chocolate, green tea and medicine and they are delivered straight to your doorstep.

Whether too bloated or too shy to get one's own supplies or just lazy, Meenu Apa tries to provide some love and comfort while the body is doing its work. To make the services more suitable based on the kind of process, the packages are available as LiteFlo and HeavyFlo, and the choice of sanitary napkins is left to the purchaser. The bar of chocolate caters to the odd cravings and green tea soothes the stomach. The price of the package depends on the choice of napkins, and if you want, you can register in the roster so the package is delivered every month. Changing or deciding on dates of delivery are left to the purchaser to simplify and personalise the purchase. Sounds good? It's really that simple.

Fortunately, Meenu Apa's services are currently available all over Dhaka. So, enjoy the sassy branding and show women some love while it's that time of the month. 
