Published on 12:00 AM, May 11, 2017

Types of Thesis Supervisors

If you're one of those poor souls who have a mandatory thesis to tackle, I feel you. During this trying time, the thesis supervisor becomes the lifeline. Everything from the approach to a topic and the consequent proceedings, the way it is written and the grade earned depends on this one person. This means that a thesis supervisor is either your saving grace or your worst nightmare.

In some cases, students have the option to choose a thesis supervisor but this is not always the case. Considering that it is one of the most crucial phases of the entire process, it is 

best to be acquainted with the types of supervisors out there.


These are the supervisors whose dreams revolve around making you their protégé. They have high hopes regarding your abilities. They take an avid interest in your research and will take the time to keep tabs on your progress. Sometimes their level of investment will add to the pressure but if you've found yourself such a person, thank your lucky stars. 


Most professors have to juggle multiple tasks and sometimes the role of a supervisor is enforced on them. There are supervisors who will make your life entirely about rescheduling and chasing deadlines that are inadvertently postponed. You'll be handled small windows of time to discuss your work in which they'll put in their best effort to help you out. If you're not someone who can pull their own weight with research, you're not going to have the best time.


I've heard about this category of supervisors from people who attend institutions where supervisors are assigned to students. This is the supervisor who has no idea about your area of interest and is therefore unable to help out adequately. If you're lucky, they'll do their best to be more familiar with your work. If you're not, you'll either find yourself completely on your own or have your research thrown in random directions. In case of the latter, it's best to seek out ways to request a different supervisor.


In some cases, supervisors aim to make every thesis that crosses their path about just those few things that interest them. It may seem like they are living out their life through you because they have the ability to turn any and every conversation into something about the topic of their choice. They'll also only let you do things a certain way and ultimately your paper will reflect them more than you. While this might sound like an easy way out of a thesis, it can backfire if you have absolutely no clue about or interest in the topic.


This is the supervisor from hell. Whether you pass or not is not something they are concerned with. You're only adding to their work and they want you out of the way as soon as possible. If you're failing to meet their expectations, they will be happy to ditch you. If they can't, they'll ensure that you have limited interaction with them as you go about your tasks. Needless to say, you won't be receiving any help from them. If anything, you'll most likely find yourself more and more confused with each meeting.

Thesis requires a lot of dedication and willpower. Regardless of whether you get to choose your supervisor or not, be ready to muscle through a few months to get to see that degree.