Published on 12:00 AM, November 15, 2018

Beneficial Friends

Not the benefits you may be thinking of, but the ones that give you reasons to live and make your life seem a little less difficult, with the occasional cases of hysteria.


The only night you'll remember about the existence of such friends is the one before an exam. You are most likely to forget about them as soon as the exam season comes to a close with no signs of reminiscence till the next one. Despite this, they are unruffled by the fact that you're only using them for your own benefits and carry on helping you out whenever you reach out to them. They are the real MVPs. 



In a capitalist world full of socialist people, connections are very important. A lot of people have mama-chachas who can help you out with difficult situations you never imagined you'd get yourself into. However, some things are best kept away from your relatvies' knowledge. This is where your 4G friend comes in with all of his or her 'powerful' connections. These connections range all the way from helping you acquire things from abroad to getting you out of tight situations with the local big brother.          



The typical "Kotha'r age mair hobeh" type friends. They are just one call away to save the day. True to their motto, they are the friends who will back you up against your enemies and the guy trying to steal your gal. Their actions are mostly vocal, which include occasional referencing to other known 'boro bhais' that your nemesis should be afraid of for some reason and the infamous 'do you know who I am' referring to the identity crisis you are all suffering from.     



Irrelevant of its size and how many passengers it can accommodate, if the car (or bike at times) is your friend's, your entire squad can fit. Whether you are going on a casual hangout or a trip outside the city, these friends along with their transport always come in handy.



University class routines are very weird. One lecture will start at 8 am while another is most likely to start sometime around 8 pm. It becomes a huge inconvenience for those who live far away from the campus since they can't just go back home expecting to be back on time for their next class. Thankfully, such circumstances can be tackled if they happen to who have a friend who lives nearby. Breaks in between classes can be spent in enjoyment over there.