Published on 12:00 AM, July 19, 2018

Interview etiquette you should know

Getting the call for a job interview is something quite exciting yet frightening at the same time. The call up means that you have the necessary qualifications the employers are looking for, now they just want to choose the best one[s] from the lot. There are two aspects employers look into at the time of the interview. The first one is of course related to the nature of the job and your knowledge about the work you'll be signing up for. The other is how you approach the interview and your etiquette. For this article, we'll be looking at the second aspect and how you can get a full score on it.


Many employers are okay with casual wear in the office, but it is best not to take that risk, especially when you're in an interview. Wear formal to the interview and try to make sure that your clothes and their colours are compatible with one another (Google "Clothes and Colour Combinations"). Comb or tie your hair neatly and also don't have a tired look on your face as if you just woke up five minutes ago. Maintain personal hygiene. I know people say that 'appearance doesn't matter' but in these sort of situations, it actually does. It shows that you care.     


Do yourself a favour and don't be late on one of the most important days of your life. Prior to your big interview, you will be given a time slot by which you need to be present at the venue. If you're late, it will initiate a domino effect due to which the applicants scheduled after you will have their slots pushed back (if you're lucky enough to be allowed in the interview). Even if you don't give a rat's tail about the other applicants you need to be punctual for your own sake. No office overlord will accept employees who are late for work and do not maintain a proper schedule.      


Remember, nobody likes someone who is ill mannered. Your attitude towards others describes your personality. So be sure to leave your ego at your home. Approach each person at the office politely. When you arrive at the interview board, be sure not to do anything other than what you have been told to. Knock and ask for permission before entering the room. Don't worry, the higher ups will tell you to have a seat so you won't need permission for that. Ensure that there is no sign of rudeness in your tone while speaking. If you're unable to answer any of their questions, politely state that you can't. Oh and most importantly, DON'T TRY TO PROVE THEM WRONG, unless you know for sure what you are talking about.      

Your first impression is your last. So be sure to make an impression on your future employers with your skills and most importantly, with your personality. 


Faisal wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. To survive university is his real test, to graduate is his cause. Send him memes and motivation at