Published on 12:00 AM, November 24, 2016

How to handle criticism

Criticism: a word that makes people jump from their seats and prepare for Mongol conquests in a second. We get offended fast and react faster. We then proceed to post about our feelings while people take a moment to laugh at our demise and continue scrolling down. 

Let me help you come out cool even if you are burnt inside:

Know more

Criticism as a corrective exercise can occur in any area of human life. To criticize does not necessarily imply "to find fault". It could just be a disagreement or an exploration of the different sides of an issue. Try to look for constructive advice even in the most absurd of criticisms.

It's very important to thoroughly know what you're talking about. Being a resident of a place or majoring in a particular discipline isn't good enough to call yourself a scholar. I study business and I have been outperformed by friends majoring in Mathematics when it comes to calculating financial risks of a company. As you read this, I am crying in a corner thinking about my CGPA.

Admit who you are 

Get off of your high horse and admit that you, too, are a mere member of the human species with many shortcomings. I was once adjudicating a debate where one team left the room with big smiles on their faces. They thought they had already won even before I gave my verdict. They were not pleasantly surprised to find out that they didn't. 

Let's take a moment to think about it. Why is there a judge in the first place if the teams could just decide the results?

Everyone is biased but you can call for reviews on their decisions if you think that you were wrongfully judged. Reacting badly to it only shows arrogance. 


Comment sections on Facebook are much more scarring than some of Trump's remarks. Social media is about different people and their wide array of opinions. Many are trying their utmost to make sense of something they have no clue about to sound more intelligent and conscious than you.

I participated in an online argument which I gave up on mid-way during the night only to find it still continuing the next day. 

Hold back on the comebacks

If you responding to someone fatshaming you with "Well, you're so fat you could sell shade," you are no better than that person. Coming up with witty comebacks in record time is tough, you might end up falling flat more often than not. So it's best to just be nonchalant about it.

Make fun of yourself

Hateful comments come from people who think they're better than you or who know they aren't better than you. So you can just chuckle and wave them off as the wisps of their droll wisdom bores on.

Dealing with criticism positively is a part of life. Sometimes it will be difficult to accept – but that all depends on your reaction.  While you are at it, make sure you grow as a person.

Myat Moe is an occasional philosopher whose favourite pastime is confusing people with her nationality. Reach her