Published on 12:00 AM, April 02, 2015


Adventures of a 16 Year Old Girl: EPISODE TWO

My eyes don't seem to hold enough light, my palms are too big, my nose too pointy, too many acne marks on a sun-kissed face. Oh mind me, sun-kissed sounds pleasant. My face has been dipped in some coal mine. 

But coal mines aren't too bad, there's so much you can learn from mines, there's so much of me you can't learn from only my face. Don't just look at my eyes, you'll simply see yourself. Ask me about my favourite movie instead. Talk to me about lazy winter mornings and brave nights alone. 

Sometimes I wonder what boys at coaching find attractive, because I'm really not the fit. But hey, my most beautiful friend is a timid, chubby girl who likes to buy flowers every morning and travels around the world in her sleep. We all have our renditions of beautiful, don't we?

I have been dealing with my self-esteem for far too long. It's annoying, really. It screams terrible things to me like a drunken angry man, "Too tall! Can't dress right." I wish my personality were my clothes. So I could wear my stories like skinny jeans, my view on world diplomacy maybe like a bright blue sweater. I would rather be interesting than what society calls pretty.