Published on 12:00 AM, October 19, 2017

Self-learning business through YouTube videos

YouTube is one platform that provides education and information through the means of entertainment. If you're like me, you're most likely to put off a semester worth of syllabus until the night before exam and then regret doing so, only to repeat the whole agonising process all over again. This is why I turn to YouTube to guide me through these dark times. Being a business student, I found these channels to be the most helpful to gain knowledge and insights, or just to pass my courses without humiliating myself too badly.


This one is a personal favourite. Apart from having an amazing website that lets you check your progress through tests and quizzes, the YouTube channel is pretty helpful too. The fact that the founder of this website, Salman Khan, who is of Bangladeshi origin, is what intrigued me most and compelled me to check out the videos; I was not disappointed. The tutorials cover economics, history, statistics, mathematics, finance, and lot more. Each topic is explained in the videos very thoroughly and is voiced by the founder himself.


This is another gem of a YouTube channel that covers a vast range of topics starting from marketing to entrepreneurship. This channel has over 240 videos explaining complicated topics like business communication and economics. 


Jacob Clifford, a high school teacher in California, USA, is the founder of this channel, who breaks down each concept of economics and explains it in detail. There are quizzes to check progress and the founder, being a teacher, knows what appeals to the students and caters to it. Since undergraduates of almost every discipline these days are required to take economics as compulsory courses, this is a channel that can help everyone. 


This channel focuses on the concepts of economics, but the way it can be differentiated from the aforementioned channel is the usage and explanation of graphs. The playlists cover individual topics and there are over 60 videos covering microeconomics and macroeconomics.


Business mathematics is one of the courses that confuses a lot of us. PatrickJMT explains it thoroughly. From simple topics like quadratics equations to the complicated derivations of differential equations, this channel covers everything. SAT exam candidates can also benefit from this channel.  


Named after the founder, a professor in American University of Bulgaria, this channel covers topics that help business majors learn managerial accounting, management, international business, business statistics, economics, and financial management. Instead of using animated videos, the concepts are explained with examples in a whiteboard.


Till this day, 10 Minute School is a one-of-its-kind platform in Bangladesh that is targeted towards Bangladeshi students that allows for self-assessment. Although most of the videos are targeted towards grade 8-12 students as well as admission candidates, the team is planning to expand it for university courses as well. There are videos on presentation skill development, which is very crucial for business majors. Currently, there are tutorials for marketing and finance courses, and new tutorials for management are due in the near future. 

These are some of the channels that helped me pass my courses with dignity (however little might that be), and might exactly be what's you're looking for.

Aateeya Saabeen, who scarily resembles a koala in looks and in sleeping patterns, likes to take day-long walks with her lobster. She believes her Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail because they misspelled her name. Leave her a message at