Published on 12:00 AM, March 24, 2022


As someone who spent a major chunk of the last decade juggling his undergraduate engineering classes and a full-time job, you might think I'd have a lot to say about this week's cover story. To be honest, I don't.

The equation is quite simple. The world isn't what it was a generation ago. We can credit it to the appeal and need for out-of-the-classroom skills, or the simple fact that students need money to purchase what they want and support their families. They want a head start in their careers, and because the primary source of income doesn't pay well or enough, side hustles become a tool to both earn and stick to a passion.

However, like a Venn diagram, the early part of the professional career overlaps on the latter parts of one's academic career. The result? A tug of war. Double the dream but half the focus, all to be taken care of on a daily basis.

If you are lucky enough to come out of this war unscathed, know that you are blessed. If you feel like it's too much, fret not. Take a step at a time.

– Kazi Akib Bin Asad, Editor In-charge, SHOUT