Published on 12:00 AM, August 13, 2020


I had a birthday recently. It's true that birthdays become less and less exciting as you grow up. Your age, that all-important number, becomes more of a nagging reminder to get things done instead of being an excuse for youthful exuberance like it used to be. What a nightmare!

Looking at me panic over getting old in my early 20s must seem ludicrous to some of my friends in their mid 20s. They've been telling me how I have all the time in the world whereas their time is quickly running out. But wait, the mid and early 20s are separated by no more than 5 years, which isn't a lot of time at all. I don't want to feel like my time is running out at any point in my life. What a nightmare!

I can always feel too old if I really want to, I felt too old when I was 12 and I had a classmate who was 11 and a half. Time is fleeting, and age is too. But one thing that doesn't have to be fleeting is youth. Youth is being open to change, being proactive, being with the times. No one will be 18 forever, but I think being young will always be an option.


– Azmin Azran, Sub-editor, SHOUT