Published on 12:00 AM, May 07, 2020


The year is 2020. I don't think we'll ever forget that. We barely experienced April this year; the days went by faster than the gusts of the Kalbaishakhi. And what day is it today? I don't know.

When talking about Bengali seasons, we pride in having six of them. Two more than the conventional spring, summer, autumn and winter followed by the world. In between the regular seasons, we had managed to add barsha (the rainy one) and hemanta (the late-autumn, kind-of chilly one). This year, however, everything has changed. Perhaps we should give it a name? Since late winter, it's only been corona-kaal. When does it stop? Soon, I hope.

Anyway, don't mind me. I'm a seasoned writer making poorly-seasoned jokes about seasons.