Published on 12:00 AM, December 06, 2018


There is only one thing people really look forward to at a wedding. No, it is not the gate dhora ceremony where everyone thinks the groom is an ATM booth. It's also not the chance to take a selfie with the lovely pair 0.00001 seconds after you've downed your food with a sip of borhani.

It is the aloo.

Yes, I know you're already salivating. The thought of those soft, steaming balls of Solanum tuberosum, placed strategically in the dish of kacchi biriyani, playing hide-and-seek with me — I can compare the feeling with perhaps finding a long-lost Dragon Ball, or catching a rare Pokémon out in the wilderness. Mmhmm, gotta eat 'em all.

Quit drooling; serious talk now. With discontentment, it must be admitted that there aren't enough aloo in the biriyani for all — there never is. This is a cruel trick that befalls even the luckiest of us. More importantly, I want my 10-month old nephew [who is about to try potato for the first time in his life] to enjoy his first aloo.

Here's my proposition: let biriyani er aloo be a separate dish at weddings. BOOM!


– Kazi Akib Bin Asad, Sub-editor, SHOUT.