Published on 12:00 AM, August 10, 2017

Identity Crisis

When exam season comes knocking, which is every single month in the calendar, communication completely breaks down. Whether it be finals or board exams, people tend to think that deactivating their Facebook accounts will boost their grades like a shot of nitrous does to Vin Diesel. Except they manage to mess up even that. Most kids break around a week of deactivation and some take it a step further by creating a brand new profile (???) and this is where I lose both myself and you, dear reader, in the maze of adolescent critical thought. While social media can be blamed for procrastination, at the end of the day, it's quite clear that the procrastinator is the one actually at fault. Make a routine for yourself and stick to it; learn what works for you instead of finding out novel ways to torture yourself and others [who want to communicate with you but can't because you're a genius].

-- Rumman R Kalam, Sub-editor, SHOUT