Published on 12:00 AM, December 28, 2017

Lifting strong

Platforms: iOS, Android

StrongLifts 5x5 is possibly one of the best fitness apps out there. It's not only a pseudo-training journal, but also a built in long term training programme that guides you through your training sessions like a personal trainer. 

It's basically a training programme that focuses on strength and muscle building, characterised by performing each exercise for 5 reps and 5 sets, hence the "5x5" in the name. It is primarily comprised of major compound lifts such as Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press and Overhead press alongside a few accessory lifts. 

The app asks for your maximum lifts as input and then generates a list of exercises to perform alongside the starting weights. From there on, the app will continue to tell you the exercises, sets and reps, the resting period and the amount of weight you should use for each training session.

Furthermore, this app will keep track of your progress each session and suggest additional resting, accessory works or when to take a deload week, which means a week of lifting 50-60% of your maximum weights.

StrongLifts 5x5 is simple, easy to operate and aimed at beginners. So if you're a fitness enthusiast, sports athlete or even just a regular person looking to increase strength and put on some muscle mass, this app is the perfect starting point.