Published on 02:38 PM, January 24, 2016

Bronze Age village yields ancestral secrets

Scientists are excavating the best-preserved Bronze Age village ever found in the UK. Pictured is a replica of a Broze Age house that shares similarities with two ancient dwellings at the site. Photo: CNN

Hidden in the marshland of eastern England, archaeologists discovered two dwellings from the Bronze Age, unearthing secrets from early people from 3,000 years ago.

This discovery is the hard work of excavators in the remarkable project called The excavation of the best-preserved Bronze Age village ever found in Britain.

These large, circular, wooden houses, built on stilts above water, would have been home to several families.

The settlement, dating to 1200 to 800 BCE -- the end of the Bronze Age -- was destroyed by a dramatic fire and collapsed into the river, preserving the contents in situ and in an astonishing condition.

As a result, archaeologists are finding rare small cups, bowls and jars, even a cooking pot containing a wooden spoon and the remains of grainy porridge, which suggests the last meal in the house was abandoned as the owners fled the fire, reports CNN.


"We are learning more about the food our ancestors ate, and the pottery they used to cook and serve it. We can also get an idea of how different rooms were used," says Duncan Wilson, chief executive of Historic England, a government agency helping to fund the work.

Literally following the preserved footprints found on the site, we encounter glass beads forming part of an elaborate necklace and exceptional textiles made from plant fibers such as lime tree bark. These were obviously relatively wealthy families.

From above the round shape of this Bronze Age dwelling is clear

Clearly visible are the well-preserved charred roof timbers of one of the roundhouses, timbers with tool marks and a perimeter of wooden posts fencing off the settlement.

The finds, taken together, provide a fuller picture of prehistoric life in Britain than we have ever had before.

"It is a window of opportunity to explore this lost world," says Mark Knight director of the project.


The site came to light in 1999 when a local man, Martin Redding, spotted a wooden post on the side of a disused quarry. After 15 years of intermittent research, the current dig started in September and will continue through March.

Once the digging is complete and further analysis and conservation has been done, the findings will be displayed at Peterborough Museum and at other local venues.

The enterprise is being co-funded by brick manufacturer Forterra, which owns the Must Farm quarry.

The site, the exact location of which we've been asked not to reveal in order to protect it, is 1,100 square meters and 2 meters (6 feet) below the modern ground surface.

Knight and his colleagues suggest there is much more to be discovered as work continues over the coming months.

"The roof of the building collapsed, and what's fantastic is that there is a sort of hump beneath that center, which suggests the contents of the building are underneath the roof as well. So over the next few weeks we will take the roof away and see what's underneath," Knight says excitedly.

A human skull has already been found on the site. In the coming weeks, we might learn how the fire started -- and find out what happened to the people in those houses.