Published on 12:00 AM, December 17, 2022


Youth fulfils dream of becoming junior marketing manager


According to my parents, the first word that came out of my mouth was "synergy". Hi, I'm Subodh Chakladar, the greatest junior marketing manager that ever lived.

Right after coming out of my mother's womb, I had my sights set on one goal:  becoming a junior marketing manager the likes of which no one has ever seen.

My father Mokbul Chakladar, who is the co-host of my podcast "Meet the Chakladars", is almost as special as me. Right from the start, he knew that I think outside the box.

"With such marketing intellect, my son would waste his talents if he becomes a doctor or engineer," he had said.

After my parents brainstormed and circled back, they finally decided there's only one role that would suit me. You know what it is.

But the path to keeping a high KPI was not easy.

In school, everyone would laugh at me because I'd attend classes wearing a suit. But, always remember, you're only as good as the people you have around you. And so, I joined the "YUP Club" of Northeast Southwest University, where everyone wears suits for no reason.

I had to read multiple summaries of Philip Kotler's books to expand my already voluptuous marketing knowledge. The countless seminars and workshops that told me to follow my passion of becoming a billionaire, when I only wanted to become a junior marketing manager, was excruciating.

Only a senior marketing manager would be able to comprehend the sacrifices I've made.

But look at me now, a dynamic, synergistic, data-driven, scalable, and game-changing corporate rockstar! Currently, I'm working at a cigarette-making conglomerate, marketing its products to change the world for the better.

Right now, I'm busy ordering my ghostwriter to quickly finish my new book "50 Tips for Becoming the Second-best Junior Marketing Manager".