Published on 12:00 AM, March 14, 2020

Dolphins of late capitalism all at sea

Scientist in 2420 uncovers perfectly preserved time capsule of letters from a Gangetic River Dolphin in Bangladesh. Read below to find out what the letters contain:

                                                                                                                                             May Day, circa 2056

Bampal Powerplant


Dear Ma dolphin and Baba dolphin,

I hope you guys are doing well. I feel quite settled here at the job. The coal plant owners are very nice, they pay me overtime for every extra hour I spend at the factory beyond my designated 18hrs. It is nice here, the roads are smooth, we are supplying electricity to all the people of our country and as CSR, we have also opened a mask factory. And you know what? I got one for free. I wear it regularly now, because of all the pollution in the air. I will send you guys some too. They say, the bad air will reach you guys soon too. But don't you worry, I will send our masks!

By the way, after news of my joining broke out, the factory has been receiving more and more visitors. Many of the human children have never seen a dolphin before! Can you imagine, ma?

Anyway, I wait for you guys to write back soon. The factory guys will probably plan a visit to your area soon, might even take me along. I am quite the attraction, you know!

If that happens, I will try and visit.

With love,

Baby Dolphin.



Baby Dolphin,

Main Aquarium,

Bampal Powerplant.


We miss you everyday here. The group is getting smaller and smaller but we are not starved for entertainment. Just last Friday, a huge launch came really deep inside the forest. They were playing music, some new indie folk stuff -- your younger brother Brodude mentioned. Brodude is planning to go to either Bihar or Nijhum Dwip. He says there are marine protected areas there and scientific research on dolphins is going on where he wants to take part. Let's see, we are still discussing the matter.

By the way, you do not have to send masks. The kids from the launch were kind enough to give us a few before they left.

Waves and loves,

Dolphin ma


Dear Ma Dolphin and Baba dolphin,

I am getting a little worried. Sent you all at least five letters and I have received no reply yet. Meanwhile, you know I keep getting bad news. It seems these days, dolphin murders are on the rise. Just last week, the powerplant aquarium was abuzz with news of two dolphins who washed ashore after they were caught in fishing nets. Will you guys send out news and check how our relatives are doing there? I worry. Please write back soon.



Baby Dolphin.