Published on 12:00 AM, April 21, 2015

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Hillary Rodham Clinton entered the presidential race saying that everyday Americans need a champion and she wants to be that champion. She then outlined an actual vision of her candidacy. If successful, she would become the first female nominee from either party, with a serious chance to become the first woman to be elected president of the United States of America.

Generally after two terms under one party, the nation elects the other party. Thus in theory it can be assumed that it's Republicans' turn in 2016. It is difficult for any political party to hang on to the White House for 12 years, it is a long road. A political party won three straight elections only once. It happened in 1988, the year Republican nominee, Vice President George H. W. Bush, won and replaced Roland Reagan. Otherwise, a string of candidates have found it rather impossible to do what Hillary Clinton is trying to do - succeed a President from the political party that has hold the White House for eight long years.

Some Republican candidates are already arguing that a Hillary Clinton victory would mean a third Obama term. Her challenge will be to distance herself from Obama enough to represent change but not too far that it will alienate black and liberal voters. Republicans are hungry to get back into White House. They have many bright, energetic and accomplished candidates and they believe their country needs a leader who understands the future and has an agenda for that future. Most of the Republican candidates are relatively young such as Ted Cruz, Texas Senator, 41, Rand Paul, Kentucky Senator, 52 and Marco Rubio, Florida Senator, 43. However, none of them can match Hilary Clinton's political acumen and in-depth experience. Moreover, former president Bill Clinton would always be available in the White House for Hilary Clinton as a Ready Reckoner. As a two term senator from New York, her eight years as First Lady, an active participant during her husband's tenure at the White House and also as President Obama's Secretary of State in his first term, Clinton has added wide-ranging experience to her portfolio.

Beijing is now ready to use its wealth and strength to try to fundamentally alter the balance of power in Asia. It was Napoleon Bonaparte who prophesied that, "When China awakes she will shake the world." Many political analysts, on both sides of the Pacific puzzle anew over the scale and intent of Beijing's global ambition. China is trying to redraw the map with a goal of replacing the U.S. in the maritime East Asia. On the other hand, the relations between Benjamin Netanyahu's government and Obama's administration are quite cold. The Middle East is thus sitting on a political time bomb. The United States of America needs a safe pair of hands to deal with such situations.

 At this point in time it appears that the Democratic Party lacks compelling alternatives. Hilary Clinton is the only credible option and she is ready to run. Question is, are the voters ready for her? Hilary Clinton's campaign message is based on the values and priorities of the middle class. Her appeal stands in part from her ability to articulate the concerns and aspirations of the working people of the United States. Moreover, when you can get two experienced, strong leaders at the White House, there's little reason to miss such an opportunity!


The writer is a former Investment Banker and contributor of The Daily Star.