Published on 12:00 AM, March 25, 2016

What to do when you can't stay awake at work

Face it, most of us don't get the eight hours of sleep every night that we need and deserve. Result? We wake up feeling the opposite of refreshed, excited, and happy. And whether you're in your first year of university or the tenth year of your career, you've probably found yourself pulling an all-nighter or two, or at least staying up way later than a normal working individual should. So if you're running on empty, here are some tricks to pull through the day without falling asleep all over your paperwork.


I know, we all want to have everything done just the way we like it. But that usually entails doing everything all on our own, down to the last detail. Entrepreneur magazine advises you start delegating tasks to others. "Utilise co-workers, friends, and every family members." After all, conquering the world takes a team.


While you're more likely to reach for a can of coke or make yourself a ginormous mug of black coffee when you're sleep-deprived, there are healthier non-chemical remedies to stay alert. 

First off, roll up the blinds, or turn on all the lights in your workspace. Your body's internal rhythm is in sync with the amount of light you receive so maximise your exposure to light. Next, start a casual conversation with a colleague. If you can tune into the tone, volume and content of the conversation, you can effectively boost your focus. If that doesn't work, there's always upbeat music to get yourself up and running.

And if all else fails, get off of that chair and splash some cold water on your face or turn up the AC. Coldness pushes your body to readjust its internal temperature, which in turn keeps you alert.


Steer clear of the sugar blues by indulging in foods that boost productivity like yogurt and dark chocolate. Check out our full infographic on 'Brain food for the office' on the Next Step website.


To avoid one of those days when you really just want to go back to bed and catch a few more minutes of shut-eye, take the time to pull yourself together instead. Counter-intuitive you say? Nay. Spending time on picking out clothes that'll earn you compliments and swiping on a bold lipstick won't just make you feel good about yourself, it'll jerk you out of your lethargy and give you a put-together impression.


The writer is Sub-Editor of the career publication of The Daily Star. She is also a senior at the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka.