Published on 12:00 AM, February 07, 2020

How to stay healthy while working a desk job

Sitting at a desk all day can do a number on your back, elbows and overall health. It is a harsh reality for many people who have a 9-5 or even longer working hours. Incorporating some healthy habits and upgrading some of your tools can help you combat these silent killers. 

Work on your posture

If you are reading this while hunching over a computer screen, that is where you need to work on first. A good posture is important for anyone in general but especially for those who sit still for prolonged periods of time. Good posture will get rid of your backaches and strained neck and keep your spine in a healthy condition. To find the right posture, try rolling back your shoulders until it's aligned with your rear and then, let the shoulders release slightly so you aren't overarching. Sit straight while looking forward instead of down at a computer screen, if your computer is not at the right level try putting some blocks underneath it or get a more appropriate desk. While sitting, it's recommended to keep your feet flat on level ground and your knees at the same level or slightly lower than your hips.

Take short, frequent breaks instead of one long break

This not only improves your physical health but also helps you focus. Students are often told to take short breaks while studying to keep their minds fresh and ready to absorb information. The same thing applies here. Make a habit of taking a 10-15 minute break every hour while working. This way you can maintain your energy throughout and end the day without feeling mentally and physically drained.

Move whenever you can

Working inside a confined cubicle does not leave chances of moving much. You must find your own chances and innovate ways to incorporate them where you can. Stretch at your desk or take a stroll before you have lunch during your lunch break. Stand up when you don't really need to be sitting. For example, when you're having a discussion and not writing any notes, you could easily do it standing. Try skipping the elevators on days when you're not in a hurry and take the stairs instead. These little things will all add up to getting you to move for a half an hour or more each day.

Invest in ergonomic office equipment

Now, this might seem absurd. "Why should I spend extra money on my job?" Well, in reality you're spending most of your day and a large part of your life working. So getting a few tools for your own health is a worthwhile investment. Look for office chairs that offer lower back support as well as convenient arm rests and keyboards with designs that don't put added strains on your wrist and elbows.

While working it's easy to ignore the obvious and just try to get everything done, but incorporating some of these easy habits and tools can go a long way to improve your lifestyle for the better.