Published on 12:00 AM, April 14, 2017

Find time in your busy schedule with one, easy step

Does your schedule on an average day sound something like this: wake up, scurry to work, spend 80 percent of your day there, commute home for an hour, eat, and watch TV till you pass out?

If the bulk of your free time is squandered on binge-watching your favourite shows (don't get me wrong – TV is life), consider punching in some digits into Omni Calculator, a free online tool that is "working on a technology that will turn every calculation-based problem trivial to solve for anyone."

The "time-saving" calculator can compute how often you watch TV every day and then suggests alternative activities you could be doing instead and their respective takeaways over a particular span of time, e.g. the number of calories you could burn running or bicycling, or the number of books you could finish in a week.

Now Omni doesn't recommend you remove all trace of television from your life. Choosing a less extreme scenario, e.g. cut 75 percent/half/25 percent of my TV time, can still pay off really well – I could read 109 books a year if I cut down to 1.5 hours instead of three.

While numbers can't promise anything, having the calculations in front of your face like that really puts things into perspective. Think about the number of times you've complained about not having time to pursue your dreams. That guy who get things done you're envious of? Re-evaluate your free time and be that guy.


The writer is In-charge of the career publication of The Daily Star