Published on 12:00 AM, January 26, 2018

5 computer apps to stay well at work

For most people, so much of exhaustion seeps in by the end of a usual work day that you're grateful just to make it home and collapse on a bed. The only way to make room for your own wellness is to somehow integrate it within the work day. This list of apps will help with just that. Each of these apps can be installed on your computer, so a workstation can also act as a wellness assistant.

1. Awareness

This app reminds users to take a break after every hour of continuous computer use. It keeps a time count on your menu bar and senses if you're active on your computer. After each active hour, it plays the soothing sound of a Tibetan singing bowl to remind you to take a short break. The app also gives you a link to follow for interesting ideas for your break.

2. F.lux

Designed to reduce the strain on your eyes, this app is a lifesaver if your job involves a lot of staring at the screen. F.lux adjusts the color temperature, i.e. tint and brightness of your computer based on your location and time of day.

3. Posture Man Pat

As the name suggests, this app helps improve your posture while you're working. The mechanism is really quite simple. The app uses the Y – axis of your webcam to sense if you're slouching. Even if you change your posture without knowing it, you have nothing to worry about because Pat will remind you to fix it by dimming your screen or sounding a bell or both.

4. DeskActive

A paid app with a free trial option, DeskActive helps you be healthy while you're literally sitting around. The app provides reminders and animated guides to over 300 simple stretches and exercises. The best part is, you can do many of these exercises without having to get up from your chair and letting anyone else notice.

5. Headspace

Don't forget your psychological health while focusing on physical activity! A few minutes can change your life, as promised by the Headspace app. It includes bite – sized meditation guides for busy schedules and a set of exercises specifically designed to calm you down when you're panicking or having a meltdown.


Tasmiah is studying finance at IBA, DU.