Published on 12:00 AM, February 18, 2009

World order

Margaret Thatcher once asked British Parliament to support the Gulf War and any other US steps unconditionally, because the US was behind them during the Falkland war. Yes, that was the baseline philosophy of western ''democratic'' thinking. Indirectly she was asking to unite the axis of devils and nullify the UN. Now Sarkozy is joining them, coming from the country of Voltaire, Rousseau and Satre .
Why are we upset ?
Well, you are fighting with your shadows created by you. Both Saddam and Bin Laden were best friends as long they were fighting Islamic Iran and Russia, who are reluctant to give their oil and other commodity to you .
The Kurdistan, Kashmir and Palestine problems have been created by the West. Now they are sermonising them.
Both the WTO and the WB have been created by the West and Asian countries are now on the brink of famine and hunger with per capita protein consumption below 30gm daily. Weak countries like Bangladesh are being pressurised to buy their hybrid seeds, non elected governments are pressurised to withdraw subsidies in fertilisers without any backup plan of helping farmers.
Stop exporting your democracy to poor countries!
The US foreign and economic policies need to be turned 180 degree.