Published on 12:00 AM, November 30, 2012

Flaws in our education system

Good grades cannot really guarantee one a good job. In fact, a person's achievements in the academia do not always reflect in their career. As puzzling as this may seem, but unfortunately it is true.
As a service holder, it is my belief that the prevailing education system in our country is hardly compatible with the requirements of current job market. The learning is mostly confined to the textbooks. Few students bother to think about the real world applications of a particular knowledge.
People often claim that there are not enough jobs for all. Employers have quite a different view though. They say that there are not enough deserving candidates for the existing jobs. They feel all our academic endeavours do little to shape us for the real world challenges. They want people who have skill extending beyond bookish learning and who do not hesitate to test their potential.
Many renowned educational institutions divide students into science, business and arts groups depending on their examination scores. But the correct way of choosing a subject should be one's interest and ability. Before choosing a field of study, we must ponder over what we want to become and what should we do to become so.
Learning is a never ending process, hence it is wise not to bank on the bookish achievements. We must break free from the confines of the current education system and think out of the box.