Published on 12:00 AM, November 16, 2012

12-day event on 'cross perspectives' starts at AUW

French ambassador to Bangladesh Michel Trinquier addresses the opening ceremony of a multidisciplinary programme styled “Cross Perspectives” jointly organised by Alliance Française de Chittagong and Asian University for Women on the campus in Chittagong yesterday.Photo: STAR

The opening ceremony of a multidisciplinary programme styled “Cross Perspectives” was held at Asian University for Women (AUW) in Chittagong yesterday.
French Ambassador to Bangladesh Michel Trinquier was present at the inaugural ceremony as chief guest with AUW Vice Chancellor Dr Fahima Aziz as special guest.
AUW and Alliance Française de Chittagong have jointly organised the programme.
Following the inaugural ceremony, a conference styled “Gender and the revolutions: democracy and citizenship in the context of the Arab Spring” was addressed by Dr Stephanie Latte-Abdallah, an eminent French historian and a political scientist working on seclusion and imprisonment of Palestinian people.
A book offering perspectives on Arab Spring by French scholars, writers and photographers was unveiled at the programme.
The 12-day programme will feature cultural programmes and music concerts both in Alliance Française de Chittagong and Dhaka.
It will end on November 26 at District Shilpakala Academy with a concert by famous artiste Abaji, the organisers said.