Published on 12:00 AM, September 22, 2012

Saving mother and child

A role model of integrated safe motherhood, newborn care and family planning project in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, several evidence based interventions have been identified as highly effective in reducing maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. However, few programmes have demonstrated how to embed this proven models within the existing system in low resource countries.
In a district-wide settings, Ma-Moni (a project implemented by Save the Children in partnership with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ICDDR,B and national NGOs including Shimantil and FIVDB) is demonstrating effective implementation of an integrated maternal-newborn-family planning-nutrition package ensuring quality along with cost-effectiveness in a sustainable way.
The project is being implemented in remote areas of Sylhet and Hobiganj district which are topographically distinct with haors (low-lying land) that makes service delivery difficult.
Ma-Moni package is integrated with pregnancy identification, comprehensive antenatal care, promotion of clean delivery by skilled birth attendants, postnatal care for the newborn and mothers, exclusive breastfeeding, family planning, young and infant child feeding.
The project has several context specific unique components like water ambulance that supplements the quality care.
The project is not only providing with its deliverables, but also builds and strengthens the capacity of the government system and the local community to sustain the practice even after the project phases out. A strong referral network has been created in the joint interface of the community and local healthcare system that ensures maternal and child care. It plays a role in critical gap management. Instead of creating a parallel service delivery structure, Ma-Moni works in line with the existing system engaging the local government representatives.
The project model has already earned reputation in home and abroad due to its long term sustainable approach. To ensure maternal and child health in a resource poor country like Bangladesh, rolling out the components of project like Ma-Moni is crucial.

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