Published on 12:00 AM, October 23, 2011

Gates basically 'unimaginative'

Steve Jobs said of his Microsoft rival in a book on his life

Walter Isaacson's much-anticipated authorised book on Jobs's life is due to be released later this month. He interviewed Jobs 40 times in the past two years before the Apple chief executive died earlier this month.
In the 630-page book, Steve Jobs said of his Microsoft rival Gates, after he left the company to work on his charitable foundation: "Bill is basically unimaginative and has never invented anything, which is why I think he's more comfortable now in philanthropy than technology."
In another extract, Isaacson claims Jobs said that taking LSD “reinforced my sense of what was important: creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”
The book claims that Jobs died regretting that he had spent so long attempting to treat his cancer with alternative medicine before agreeing to undergo surgery.
The Apple chief executive delayed having operations and chemotherapy for nine months after the disease was discovered in October 2003.
In spite of pleas from family and friends, he tried to cure himself through acupuncture sessions, drinking special fruit juices, visiting "spiritualists" and using other treatments he found on the internet.
Some cancer experts have said that Jobs may have extended his life or even survived if he had promptly tackled his cancer aggressively with scientifically proven medical treatments.
"We talked about this a lot," Isaacson told a television interview. "He wanted to talk about it, how he regretted it. I think he felt he should have been operated on sooner."
Asked why "such a smart man could do such a stupid thing", Isaacson said: "I think he felt: if you ignore something you don't want to exist, you can have magical thinking. It had worked for him in the past. He would regret it."
Jobs's wife, Laurene Powell, told the biographer: "The big thing was he really was not ready to open his body. It's hard to push someone to do that." She pleaded: "The body exists to serve the spirit".
Isaacson states in the book that several other Jobs confidantes, including Mona Simpson, his sister, and Art Levinson, an Apple board member, pushed him to embrace conventional medicine. "I told him he was crazy," said Andrew Grove, the former head of the computer chip company Intel.